Making ADHD Medication
More Precise
About 9% of children and adolescents across Canada are diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In Alberta, roughly 14,000 children and youth are prescribed the stimulant methylphenidate to manage their symptoms.
However, many will experience intolerable side effects or minimal to no benefit. While other mental health medications, like antidepressants, have genetic markers that support doctors in decisions around what drugs to prescribe at what dosage, a similar marker for methylphenidate has yet to be identified.
The identification of that genomic marker — which would ultimately predict the action and metabolism of the drug in individuals — through the Pharmacogenomics of Stimulant Treatment Response study (PGx-STaR) would be transformative.
With your support, local researchers can find answers to optimize prescribing and shorten the time to wellness for children and adolescents with ADHD. Findings will contribute to the development of improved treatment protocols and pathways for ADHD and inform a larger program of research focused on precision brain health for children.
For more information about initiative and how you can support it, please email us!
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