COVID: Frequently Asked Questions
As the situation around COVID-19 evolves, and to ensure the safety of the children, families and care providers within the Alberta Children’s Hospital, Foundation staff continue to operate remotely.
Questions can be directed to our temporary reception line at 403.955.8818 or While working off-site, staff may be contacted directly via email through their addresses.
This FAQ is intended to address questions that may arise during these special circumstances and will be updated as public health guidance evolves. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email us at
The safety of patients and staff is paramount. Care and services are provided with rigorous adherence to all the public measures intended to reduce the risk of COVID-19 for both patients and staff.
For the latest information, please call the hospital at 403-955-7211.
For COVID-19 related health information, please visit Alberta Health Services.
For additional information on visitation, see the AHS page on Family Support & Visitation of Patients & Residents.
To reduce non-essential traffic into the Alberta Children’s Hospital, the Foundation office will remain closed for now. All staff will continue to operate off-site during usual business hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
We continue to gratefully accept donations online! Cheques made payable to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation can also be mailed to the Foundation office at:
Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation
28 Oki Drive NW
Calgary, AB
T3B 6A8
These donations will be processed in the timeliest manner possible, and your patience is very much appreciated.
If you have collected cash donations, please hold them in a safe place until we are able to begin accepting donations in person again. If you would like to be notified at that time, please email If you are in the hospital for an appointment, cash donations can be placed in one of the two on-site donation boxes, located on the main floor by the TV screen and on the wall outside the Foundation office on the 2nd floor.
While we are pausing all in-person gift donations until further notice, you can still show your support for kids in the hospital. Please visit our Gifts in Kind page for details. We have also received several generous offers of equipment and food for hospital staff and patients. We kindly ask you to email these offers to Alberta Health Services directly with the subject line ‘AHS COVID Offer’ to
We sure can! You can request one by emailing Receipts are processed in the timeliest manner possible, so your patience is very much appreciated.
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